. Brazil - The Legal Basis for Impeachment Brazil - The Legal Basis for Impeachment ~ Forja de Hefestos - Opinião Independente

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Brazil - The Legal Basis for Impeachment

To escape the responsibility of having failed with the surplus the very President cheated the Congress changing the surplus 


The removal of a President is provided in Article 85 of the Brazilian Constitution, which states that it can occurs in cases of impeachable offenses, which include, among others, crimes against the existence of the Union, the exercise of political rights, social and individual and against administrative probity. These crimes are regulated by Law 1079 of 1950, the so-called "law of impeachment".

At the article 86 of the Brazilian Republican Constitution the process of "impeachment" is divided in two phases:

At first the House of Representatives, must admit the charge made by any citizen, that is limited by a majority of 2/3 of its members, to receive or not the charge.

This act of receiving or not the prosecution, a decision that does not judge merit of "impeachment", is a procedure limited to make the so-called as doctrine for the admissibility of judgment. This pronounces held by the House of Representatives means that only the processability of the Brazilian President for the crime of responsibility and related.

Continuing the process, in legal terms, is offered opportunity to the Chief Executive, the President, the right to legal defense and contradictory in terms of " due process of Law".

The judgment delivered by the Federal Senate may result to absolve the President with the discontinuing of the process; or condemnatory, if understood by 2/3 majority vote of the Senate, limiting the loss of mandate with electoral disqualification and the exercise of public function for eight years , without prejudice to other applicable judicial sanctions, as Article 52 paragraph of the Federal Constitution.

Law 1079/50, which was welcomed by the 1988 Republican Constitution governs the crimes of responsibility that give rise to the process of "impeachment". Art. 4 provides as follows:
Art. 4 are impeachable offenses the acts of the President of the Republic who threaten Federal CONSTITUTION, and especially against: 
II - The free exercise of the legislature, the judiciary and the constitutional powers of the States(...) 
VI - The budget law.
Must Read Too (use the translator tool):
President Dilma Rousseff (PT) overspent and failed to comply with the Budget Guidelines Law (LDO), which is an already consummated crime. Her solution, was sent to the National Congress a project that makes legal what is illegal, asking for change the LDO to eliminate unfulfilled goal of surplus to 2014.

In other words she said:

"-  I can't cumply the Fiscal Responsibility Law. I had by law set a goal to save 1.9% of GDP, but because it is an election year and for having diverted public money for purposes not saved, instead produced a surplus, I'm spending more than I raised ..."

This is a violation of the law, so it is a crime, which in the case of a political agent and subsume the law of "impeachment" above is a responsibility of crime! It is a responsibility of a criminal offense of "impeachment".

"- Ah, so let's change the law!" For this she seeks the complicity of Congress by PLN 36/2014.

Yes, to escape the responsibility of having failed to comply with the surplus expected for the budget that the very President submitted to Congress, she cheated the Congress asking them for change the expected surplus that had been combined at the beginning of the year.

This is why we, the Brazilian  People, are asking for the impeachement of President Dilma Rousseff. She abused the trust that voters have placed on her. Swindling the budget, she compromised the future of the country, condemning us to spend a decade in underdevelopment. And we can't to forgive this.


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